César Chávez PTA

parents, teachers and students together


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

5/3/2017 PTA Meeting Minutes

PTA Membership Meeting Minutes

César Chávez Library

5/3/2017 6PM-7:30PM

I. Call to Order
Fred Smith called the meeting to order at 6:17pm. Introductions made. Quorum established.

II. President’s Report
Fred Smith reported to the group that the César Chávez PTA executive board has been meeting weekly. He read the mission statement to the membership:

The goal of the César Chávez PTA is to advocate for all students and teachers and to strengthen and unify our community through volunteerism and cooperation.

Fred discussed the executive boards discussion around results from the April meetings. The board found that the process of voting at the April meetings were not adequate mostly because according to PTA leadership: Jaime Cale, Lisa Kensel and Beth Nead, a motion cannot be voted on twice. Fred also reviewed the details from the 5/3/17 morning meeting: he provided information that was provided from Bobbie Regan about the school bond, there was a meet and greet with the board nominees, teacher appreciation gift was worked on and information for joining a committee was handed out.

III. Treasurer’s Report
Amber Clark presented the treasurer’s report: on the report, red is debits such as incorporation fees, membership dues sent to Oregon PTA, insurance, t-shirt reimbursement, convention fees. Black is funds received from t-shirt fundraiser, Burgerville night, money from refund from previous Chávez PTA.

IV. Unfinished Business

a. Review revised Standing Rules

Fred presented the Standing Rules. Membership read the rules. Fred discussed the changes from the document presented in April, to the current standing rules: Quorum, meetings, term limits, advocacy committee added, budget discussed. Questions answered.

Motion to vote on standing rules made by Leah Hinson, motion seconded. 17 votes in favor, none opposed, none abstained.

V. New business

a. Executive Board vote

Introductions by nominees for executive board: Fred Smith – running for co-president, Keiona R. Connor running for co-president, Meginn Nordstrom – running for treasurer, Amber Clark – running for membership chair, Leah Hinson – running for secretary.

Discussion held around diversity within the PTA executive board.

There were no nominations from the floor.

A voice vote was held for the entire slate of candidates. Fred Smith, co-president; Keionna R. Connor, co-president; Amber Clark, membership chair; Meginn Nordstrom, treasurer; Leah Hinson, secretary.

Voice vote unanimous in favor of the slate of candidates. There was no opposition, no one abstained.

b. Budget vote

Amber presented the budget, discussion held around each line item.

Motion by Leah Hinson to approve budget as presented, seconded. Budget approved. 16 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstained.

VI. Announcements and discussion

a. Update about Burgerville Nights. Keiona R Connor gave an update that at the first burgerville night, PTA earned $206, second BV night was this past Monday 5/1/17, we don’t know how much was raised from Burgerville yet, but we raised $146 from the tip jars that were placed. Mrs. McCormack worked with students and PTA volunteers on Burgerville night 5/1/17, and $125 of money raised will go to her class for a lunch to build community in her 8th grade class.

b. Keiona R. Connor gave an update about a playground that is going to be taken out of the James John playground in St John’s and will post information on the César Chávez PTA facebook page about petitioning PPS to ask to not have that removed.

c. Leah Hinson made an announcement about an organization called Fully Fund Schools Oregon which is hosting a rally in Salem on May 18 from 11am-1pm to advocate for legislators to reform Oregon’s tax structure to fund schools adequately. Leah will post an update on the César Chávez PTA facebook page.

d. Hilda Hernandez made an announcement that volunteers are needed to help serve food for teacher appreciation lunch tomorrow 5/4/2017 at 10 am.

VII. Adjourn
Fred Smith adjourned the meeting at 7:55 PM.

Minutes submitted by Leah Hinson, Cesar Chavez PTA Secretary.


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