César Chávez PTA

parents, teachers and students together


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

PTA Meeting Minutes 9/5/2018

César Chávez PTA Meeting Minutes
September 5, 2018 – 5:30-7pm
César Chávez School Library
Chair: Keiona R Connor

    1. Keiona R Connor called the meeting to order at 5:44 pm. Quorum established.
    2. June meeting minutes reviewed by the membership and approved as written. 

      3. New Business: 

      a. Introductions of the executive committee were made. 

      b. Eco School network presented. Gerald and Amy from Eco School network presented. Eco School Network is working to make Portland area schools more eco friendly. Eco School Network is for parents/community members who are interested in sustainable practices in schools. They work with 48 schools in the greater portland area, 24,000 students. Parent leaders can take training with Eco School Network. Parents can then take on a sustainability project or an equity project such as maintaining school gardens, waste reduction efforts, leading walk or bike to school programs, or leading student green teams. Gerald thanked parents involved with PTA. Gerald considers environmental justice to be a part of social justice. Who is learning about sustainable practices and waste reduction? He is advocating for more diversity, more families of color learning about environmental justice. Amy said if families here join to be a part of Eco School network, they can collaborate with families from other schools, there is also an online community with a lot of resources. They also offer an overnight retreat as a part of the network. They are hosting a dessert meet up in each quadrant of the city. Sign up sheets were passed around and Amy and Gerald invited Chavez families to participate. The main training is a 4 session training. 

      c. Keiona R Connor discussed membership dues, and payment structure. Dues are $10 per year to join Cesar Chavez PTA. She discussed the importance of membership and how membership works at the local, city, state and national level. Tahni Holt, membership chair, spoke to the importance of membership at this PTA, and the community that is created here. She emphasized the importance of diversity and volunteerism within this community. Volunteer opportunities discussed. Goal of 90 members this year. 

      d. Principal’s report – TJ Fuller welcomed everyone. He stated this has been a strong start to the school year. 19 new staff members, 65 total staff. Retained some wonderful staff. Discussed his background. He is originally from Massachusetts, has lived here since 2006, he is committed to this school and this community. Changes this year: arrival/dismissal routine/new school day routine, added social/emotional curriculum “toolbox.” Discussed new restorative justice coordinator, Sam Lumsey. They have hired a new volunteer coordinator. Planning parent resource center when the portables get put in. Thanked everyone who was here for community care day. University of Portland volunteers came through and touched up the paint, they were thanked as well. Mr Fuller emphasized that his door is always open or email at tjfuller@pps.net. He thanked the PTA board and he emphasized that research shows that volunteerism is the number one predictor of school success. 

      e. Keiona discussed the events that the PTA held at the school last year. Last year the bake sale proceeds went to the Literacy Fund (such as Oregon Battle of the Books), the auction funds went to a school improvements (specifically a covered play area), Run for the Cyclones funds last year went toward getting computers for the school. This year Mr. Fuller is asking for funds for field trips about $1000 per grade, and anything beyond that the PTA would like to help fund the Literacy Fund. Last year we voted to take 25% from fundraisers to put back into the PTA general fund for events, operating expenses. Mr Fuller said he recently received a gift of $1500 from the Royal Rosarians for field trips. Therefore, he is asking for $1500 from Run for the Cyclones go toward incentives for students exhibiting positive behavior. Daniel Ribeiro moves that we offset the budget for Run for the Cyclones toward incentives for positive behavior. Leah Hinson asked for clarification. Discussion held. 

      Meginn Nordstrom made a motion: Funds raised from Run For the Cyclones: $7500 for field trips for K-8, $1500 for positive behavior incentives as requested by Mr. Fuller and any extra to Literacy Fund after 25% of the total goes back into the general PTA fund. Motion seconded. Unanimous vote in favor.



Mr Garcie is requesting an audiobook version of each book this year which is covered by the literacy fund.

Auction reviewed from last year, 20% kept for PTA general funds last year and the rest went to school improvements. Leah Hinson made a motion to have auction funds from 2019 go to school improvements with 20% to PTA general fund. Motion seconded. Unanimous vote in favor.

Bake sale funds – Last year the bake sale funds went to Literacy Fund. Meginn Nordstrom made a motion to have bake sale funds from 2018-2019 school year go to Literacy Fund. Motion seconded. Unanimous vote in favor.

  1.  President’s Report – Keiona and Fred Smith spoke to what the board has worked on over the summer. Fred thanked Mr. Fuller for the positive changes in the building. 
  2. Treasurer’s Report – Nicole Dalton passed out the treasurer’s report, reviewed by membership. Current balance is $46,062.50. This includes the funds that are earmarked for school improvements (intended for covered play area from 2018 auction). Nicole discussed SCRIP – plan is to test out doing two orders per month, the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, forms will be due, can send to Nicole, or put in the box by the office. Mark which gift cards you want to buy like Fred Meyer, percentage that goes back to school, example Fred Meyer gives 4%. SCRIP cards make great gifts. There are also specials from time to time. Carman Car Wash gives 26% back to PTA. Also discussed Fred Meyer Rewards program. 
  3. Committee Updates:
    a. Literacy Committee – Louisa Kaplan read a message from Mark Feldman regarding literacy. He discussed the importance of reading at Cesar Chavez and that OBOB was a success last year and it will happen again this school year. He is asking for help volunteering with OBOB. Mark can be reached at 510.299.4718 markfeldman@writingworks.info. 

    b. Auction – Marlon gave an update that Red Sea Church will be available to us again for auction and it will be at no cost. 

    c. School improvements – Mr. Fuller gave an update that Mark Feldman secured a grant for a covered bike rack in the front of the building.

    d. Keiona discussed if anyone would like to join a committee, Tahni has sign up sheets available.

  1. Keiona made announcements that were posted on available flyer. 
  2. Keiona adjourned the meeting at 7:03 pm.  


Minutes submitted by Leah Hinson, secretary.


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