César Chávez PTA

parents, teachers and students together


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

PTA Membership Meeting Minutes 4/5

Two meetings were held, morning and evening, so look down below for the evening minutes!

PTA Membership Meeting Minutes
Cesar Chavez School
April 5,2017 8:00-9:30am

I. Meet and greet 8:00-8:15

II. Call to Order

Fred Smith called the meeting to order at 8:15am

III. Announcements

Fred Smith notified members of next PTA meeting 5/3/17 where there will be a vote for the executive board, as well as the leadership meeting scheduled 4/12/17.

Noel from Oregon Walks presented about the walk at Chavez tomorrow 4/6/17, meet out front and walk with start at 2:45.

Nurse Shelley presented information on sleep hygiene. She discussed the importance of sleep hygiene when children complain that they are not tired enough to go to bed, or too tired to go to school. Shelley had a handout with recommendations for quality sleep for children. If there are any concerns about child’s sleep, go to the health center. She stated that Keiona Connor will have more information about a workshop about body development that will happen here next Tuesday 4/11/17.

Maria from SUN school gave a presentation. She first wanted to recognize the parents that contribute to the school, not through PTA who are present: those that work on food pantry, instructors: Alejandra Flores will begin to teach at SUN, as does Sam Lett, Jedd Schrock also assists. Discussion held regarding the timing of the rummage sale as it was previously scheduled 4/21-4/22. It was decided that the rummage sale will be postponed one month due to the conflict of schedules. Also, SUN school is starting April 17th. Donations will be accepted the week prior to whenever the rummage sale will be held.

Keiona Connor reports that next week, Tuesday 4/11/17, at parent coffee from 8-9:30 nurse Shelley will speak to parents about how to talk to your kids about body awareness. Bring questions! Families can leave questions in the PTA box in the mailbox or at the clinic mailbox.

IV. Reading and approval of minutes

Fred Smith read the meeting minutes from 3/8/17. Minutes corrected by a parent at the meeting that there was one abstained vote. A motion to correct the minutes was put forth by Fred Smith and was seconded. Minutes will be updated to reflect this change.

V. President’s Report

Fred Smith gave the president’s report. He reports a lot has been going on to get the PTA up and running. Cesar Chavez PTA has incorporated to get nonprofit status. Bank account was opened. Albina Community Bank was chosen. All board members are signers on the account. Minimum of two people needed to sign checks. In Oregon, all PTA’s must have insurance, and yesterday Fred submitted paperwork to get insurance. PTA started fundraising. The interim board has started the process of getting ready for our elections next month. Later in this meeting we will establish standing rules. We will attend our first Oregon PTA convention 4/21-4/22. Thanks to all who have participated on getting the word out.

Hilda Hernandez brings a motion to sell food at SUN rummage sale to raise funds for PTA. We need a permit for food handling. Discussion held, no decision made at this time.

Principal Schorr made a comment: she is thinking movie night will be next Wednesday 4/12/17.

VI. Treasurer’s Report

Amber Clark presented treasurer’s report. Checks ordered, trying to set up a budget, in the meantime, we don’t know what we need to budget for. Amber requests approval of $200 for operating budget which covers things like insurance, checks, cash box, file cabinet re-keyed. Request for seed money for more t-shirts, a fundraiser for PTA or seed money to purchase food for sales, $500 requested. Question by Skye Waggoner if Run for the Cyclone funds can go to PTA, which principal says is possible, no further discussion held. Amber states there is a check for approximately $1000 coming from Oregon PTA from the former Chavez PTA. Next month we hope to have a budget that will cover expenses from May through September 2017. That will be proposed at the May meeting. Discussion regarding cost of membership and materials needed held.

Nelson Quiroz then had information about network of care, Nelson collected $220 for network of care to a family that needed money because they were being evicted, but he has questions about how to hold those funds. Brief discussion to hold that conversation at a later time.

A question was asked by Hilda Hernandez about getting a food handler’s license for food sales. Maria Velez reported she has access to that information.

VII. Report of standing committees

A. Fundraising/Volunteering

Keiona R. Connor presented fundraising update. First fundraiser on Monday 4/3/17 at Burgerville, in exchange for having 5 volunteers to greet patrons, bus tables, and bring food out to guests, Burgerville donates 10% of their sales between the hours of 5-8pm to Cesar Chavez PTA. She reports we got 5 volunteers, and so many Chavez families came out to support. Thanked Chavez community. We will not know how much was earned until we get the check, and she will keep the membership updated. The first Monday of every month from 5-8 pm will be Burgerville night for Chavez. We are looking for other business partnerships to do similar fundraising and Keiona will let the membership know of upcoming events. Coming soon, CC PTA will sign up for Fred Meyer Rewards. This is free for all parents to participate, FM will match whatever rewards you get and send Cesar Chavez PTA a check. Maria suggests we all get together as a group and sign up together online. Shirts are also a fundraiser. T-shirts are $10, we are accepting pre-orders and we have a few sizes available. If you are interested in ordering a shirt ask Keiona or any of the board members. Amber is going to post on facebook about shirts as well if someone would like to order them. Or put in a request at the PTA box in the school office. Shirts will be sold at any event.

B. Communications

Amber Clark presented that her husband Jason Clark is a software engineer and he is working on website www.cesarchavezpta.org and a facebook page Cesar Chavez PTA. We will be posting events, the agendas for meetings, calls for volunteers and the meeting minutes as well on both the website and Facebook page.

VIII. New business

A. Budget

Unanimous vote in favor of the budget as proposed above by Amber Clark.

B. Standing rules

Fred proposed a vote on the standing rules. Quorum of 5 approved unanimously.
Vote on meetings: Meetings approved for first Wednesday of each month, unanimously.
Vote on how many meetings was brought to membership. Discussion regarding how many meetings held. Vote held: 8 in favor, 2 opposed.
Vote in favor to have two official meetings.
Officers vote on board structure: Unanimous vote for co-presidency.
Order of business: Approved unanimously
Standing committees: Approved unanimously
Special committees: Approved unanimously

IX. Adjournment – Fred

Fred Smith adjourned the meeting at 9:50am.

Meeting minutes submitted by: Leah Hinson, interim Cesar Chavez PTA secretary

4/5/2017 6-7:30 pm

I. Meet and greet 6-6:15 pm

II. Call to Order

Fred Smith called the meeting to order at 6:18pm

III. Announcements

Inna Levin from Oregon Walks gave presentation to notify us that they are doing outreach about pedestrian conditions at title one schools. They are hosting walks at some PPS schools to hear from parents about their experience walking to school. There are funds available to make some improvements. Hosting a walk tomorrow at Cesar Chavez, 4/5/17. The walks gathers at 2:15 and will leave at 2:30. Talking about potential walking school busses. There will be interpretation and snacks.

Keiona R Connor presented about PTA fundraising: Burgerville night. From 5-8pm Burgerville donated 10% of proceeds to CC PTA. Going forward the first Monday of every month will be Burgerville night. We will not know how much money we raised until we get the check and she will let us know when we find out. Also in the works Fred Meyer has a rewards card. Fred Meyer will match your rewards and give it to the Cesar Chavez PTA. Also, t-shirts will be available for purchase as a fundraiser for the PTA.

Keiona R Connor is giving an update for Maria Velez regarding SUN school. Rummage sale to benefit the food pantry will be postponed one month in hopes that the weather is better for an outdoor event. Keiona also gave an update that on April 11, from 8-9am Nurse Shelley will be at parent coffee. Nurse Shelley will speak at that coffee to give information for how to speak to your child about body awareness. You can submit questions at the PTA box in the office or at nurse Shelley’s office.

IV. Reading and approval of minutes

Minutes read by Leah Hinson, interim secretary. Motion by Shanti Lewallen, to approve the amended minutes, seconded. Unanimous vote to approve.

V. President’s Report

Fred Smith gave an update on what PTA board has been working on: the PTA incorporated and gained non profit status and opened a bank account at Albina Community Bank. The three current board members are designated signers on the account. In Oregon, all PTA’s must have insurance, Cesar Chavez PTA signed up for insurance and we began fundraising. PTA is trying to get things set up now so that things are in order next year. Next month on May 3, 2017 the general meeting will have an election of the executive committee. Next Wednesday 4/12/17 from 8-9am in the cafeteria there will be a leadership meeting for people interested in a leadership role. Later in this meeting we will vote on standing rules. We will also send representatives to Oregon PTA annual conference 4/21/17-4/22/17. Discussed membership dues and availability of scholarship.

VI. Treasurer’s Report

Amber Clark presented treasurer’s report. PTA has been given donations like file cabinet, but funds needed for a new lock/key. Funds available, income from memberships, t-shirts, PTA paid funds for incorporation fee and insurance. PTA is still determining what we will budget for the rest of the year. Next month there will be an updated financial statement and budget that will get us through to the next school year. Two things needed for April, PTA will need $200 operating budget – ie. cash box, name tags, paper, checks for the account, and requesting $500 for seed money for more t-shirts and food if we try to hold a fundraiser. We are anticipating a check of approximately $1000 from the former Cesar Chavez PTA. Those funds will be designated as general funds. Discussion held around how to reconcile two meetings. Unanimous vote by membership to approve proposed budget.

VII. Report of standing committees

A. Fundraising/Volunteer

Keiona R Connor gave her report above, see announcements above

B. Communications

Jason Clark gave update on communications. Website has been built. Facebook page for Cesar Chavez PTA has been created. Email for board members is being created. Jason states that if anyone has questions about technology related things, to get in touch with him.

VIII. New business

A. Budget

Vote on budget was held during Amber Clark’s treasurer’s report. See above.

B. Standing rules

Fred Smith discussed the need for standing rules. Item by item was discussed and a vote was held.

Quorum: Shanti Lewallen brought motion to do what morning meeting decided on, which was a unanimous yes vote for quorum of 5. Motion seconded. Discussion held. Marlon brought up a point that a quorum of 5 seems too small. He disagrees with the way the morning meeting voted and is concerned that the information that was discussed was not presented in the morning meeting. 2 in favor, 4 opposed and one abstained.

Meetings: To be held on first Wednesday of each month: Marlon made a motion and it was seconded. 9 total votes, unanimous vote in favor.

Two meetings per month one in am/one in pm: Keiona R Connor presented the options of two general meetings, or one general meeting and one parent coffee, or just one general meeting. Marlon made a motion to have two meetings, it was seconded. Lengthy discussion. 2 in favor to have two general meetings: 5 opposed. No one abstained.

Motion to poll the membership base to see what time works best if it were to go to a single meeting. Motion was seconded.

Motion to move the agenda, seconded, unanimous vote.

Vote on officers: Fred presented the officers list as listed in the standing rules. Discussion around benefits of having a co-presidency. Motion by Shanti to have co-presidents, seconded, approved unanimously, 7 votes.

Motion to approve order of business, seconded: 6 in favor, 1 opposed

Standing Committees: Motion to approve standing committees, seconded: 7 in favor, unanimous vote

Special Committees: Motion to approve special committees, seconded: 7 in favor, unanimous vote

IX. Adjournment – Fred

Meeting adjourned by Fred Smith 8:21 pm

Minutes submitted by: Leah Hinson, interim Cesar Chavez PTA Secretary

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©2024 César Chávez PTA