César Chávez PTA

parents, teachers and students together


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday

Standing Rules

diversity of families

“The diversity of families here is such a strength”

—César Chávez School Community Member


—César Chávez School Community Member

“The diversity of families here is such a strength”

Amazing community of people

"Amazing community of people, families, outstanding and dedicated staff"

—César Chávez School Parent


—César Chávez School Parent

“Amazing community of people, families, outstanding and dedicated staff”

Dedicated staff

“Dedicated staff, supportive community”

—César Chávez School Community Member


—César Chávez School Community Member

“Dedicated staff, supportive community”

Amazing staff

“Amazing staff and families”

—César Chávez School Community Member


—César Chávez School Community Member

“Amazing staff and families”

awesome community

“The community is awesome”

—César Chávez School Community Member


—César Chávez School Community Member

“The community is awesome”

school and community

“We love our school and community”

—César Chávez School Community Member


—César Chávez School Community Member

“We love our school and community”


“My Latina child has the chance to be surrounded by other kids of color, dual language, fantastic teachers”

—César Chávez School Community Member


—César Chávez School Community Member

“My Latina child has the chance to be surrounded by other kids of color, dual language, fantastic teachers”
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César Chávez PTA Standing Rules – To Be Updated Fall 2019

Name: César Chávez PTA
Federal ID Number: 90-0804306
National PTA number: 02682434
Council Affiliation: Portland Council, Region #2
State Affiliation: César Chávez PTA is affiliated with National PTA and Oregon PTA and as such is governed by the Unified Local Unit Bylaws and the Oregon PTA bylaws.
Annual Dues: Annual local unit dues shall be $10.00 which includes $2.25 for National PTA, $7.25 to Oregon PTA, and $0.50 to the local unit.
Fiscal Year: July 1 to June 30
Quorum: Quorum for each general meeting to conduct legal business shall be 8 voting members. Upon voting, one half plus one of the voting members carries the vote. If there is a tie, the chair shall vote to break the tie. Quorum for each executive board meeting or gathering to conduct official and/or legal business shall be three board members. For voting purposes, a minimum of three board members must be in agreement in order to carry the vote. If there is a tie, the voting will be postponed until the next board meeting or gathering of board members.
Meetings: General membership meetings of this association shall be held the first Wednesday of the month or as necessary, with a minimum of 8 meetings per year. Executive board meetings of this association shall be held prior to the general meeting and additional board meetings may be called by members of the board as deemed necessary.
Officers: The officers of this association shall be: Co-presidents (2), Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Chair. Elections of membership chair and treasurer will take place in even years and co-presidents and secretary will be elected in odd years. Elections of officers shall be in May and the officers shall assume their duties on July 1. César Chávez PTA officer terms will be 2 years. There is a two consecutive term limit for all board member positions, per Oregon PTA State Bylaws. In the instance of an unexpected board vacancy, an interim officer may be appointed by the executive board until such time as a general PTA election can occur. The interim term will not exceed 2 months. Executive board members and committee chairs must be dues paying members of the César Chávez PTA.

For the July 2016 through June 2018 term, Co-President Fred Smith will be the signee on all bank accounts, contracts, and other official and/or legally binding documents.

Order of Business
Call to order
Reading and approval of minutes
Unfinished business
New business
President’s report
Treasurer’s report
Committee reports

Standing Committees
Transportation and Safety
Advocacy (DBRAC/Legislation)
School Improvements
Community Building and Support
Colores (Equity focus group)

Special Committees
The Co-Presidents of this association may, with the approval of the Executive Board, appoint special committees as deemed appropriate. Special committees go out of existence when the work is completed and the final report is received by the board.

The annual operating budget of this association shall be drafted by the Executive Board. The Executive Board will convene in August and will draft the proposed operating budget, which will be presented for approval at the General Meeting no later than October. Executive Board Members can reconvene at any point that amendments to the budget are required and make said amendments. Any amendments made to the operating budget will be reported at the next General meeting. PTA expenditures for non‐budgeted items under $100 can be approved by the co-presidents, at their discretion. All non‐budgeted expenses under $100 will be paid by the Treasurer as long as there is appropriate documentation supporting said expense. Any non-budgeted items between $100-$300 would need approval by the Executive Board, as long as there is appropriate documentation supporting said expense. Any General Meeting Motions, for expenses greater than $300, shall be submitted in writing (may include email) to the Executive Board a minimum of 14 days before a General Meeting. This is to ensure adequate funding prior to the motion being brought to the floor for a vote. Any Motion to amend the budget will require Executive Board approval and should be submitted a minimum of 14 days in advance of a meeting. The Executive Board has the authority to reallocate funds budgeted from one purpose to another purpose as program needs change or a Committee’s work is complete.

PTA Representation and Media Clause:
With the exception of the PTA Co-Presidents, PTA Members shall not speak as a representative of César Chávez PTA, unless authorized to do so by the Co-Presidents. This includes, but is not limited to, speaking with the media, utilizing a social media platform, and/or speaking to PPS staff at the district or school level.

These standing rules shall be distributed at the first general membership meeting of the school year and reviewed by the chair at that meeting. They may be amended or rescinded by a two-thirds vote at any general meeting if notice of the proposed action is given at a previous meeting.

Dissolution clause: Upon the dissolution of this local unit, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the organization, the remaining assets shall be distributed to one or more nonprofit funds, foundations, or organizations that have established their tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and whose purposes are in accordance with those of National PTA.

Date approved: August 23, 2017
Date amended: October 4, 2017
Date amended: April 4, 2018
Co-President: Keiona R Connor
Co-President: Fred Smith
Secretary: Leah Hinson


©2024 César Chávez PTA