School Information for César Chávez K-8

5103 N Willis Blvd.
Portland, Oregon 97203

Our Community

Cesar Chavez K-8 School is located in the Portsmouth neighborhood on the peninsula created by the regional confluence of the Columbia and Williamette Rivers in the City of Portland. This area is located in the north of the State of Oregon in the northwestern region of the United States of America. Our school is located not far from where, 200 years ago, the Corps of Discovery traveled on their way to the Pacific. Lewis and Clark may have camped not far from our school.

Cesar Chavez serves a diverse community representing people from various ethnic and economic groups. It is common to hear languages other than English spoken in the school and in the neighborhood.

Contact: (503) 916-5666

Principal: Jorge Meza
Assistant Principal: Dr. Curtis Wilson
Assistant Principal: Lisa Kong
Grade Levels: K-8

Daily Schedule

8:37 - Doors open and breakfast is served
8:45 - Students should be in their classroom for instruction to begin
8:55- Students are tardy and must check in at the main office
3:15 - K-5 Dismissal
3:30 - 6-8 Dismissal

Dear Cesar Chavez Families,

Throughout the year, we as a staff, review all of our routines and procedures to help ensure the best learning environment for your students. Thank you for all the helpful feedback as we continue to refine our systems. Please take a moment to review our arrival and dismissal procedures below. We will be practicing our new routines with students and teachers early next week before we make the transition. Thank you for your support. We know change is hard, but let’s keep student safety at the forefront!

Arrival Routine Reminders

Kindergarten through second grade - enter through main entrance on Willis Blvd.
Third through fifth grade - enter through east side of building, near N. Haven Ave.
Sixth through eighth grade - enter through west side of building near N. Hodge Ave.

Doors will open at 8:37 - Please note that we cannot open doors early for students who get here early.

Dismissal Routine

3:15 - Kindergarten: Dismissed by the kindergarten exit. All 1-5 classes will dismiss to the playground behind the school. There will be a designated cone for each grade level. Please be on time to pick up your students. Anyone not picked up on time will be brought to the main office to call home.

3:30 - Middle School students are dismissed. Siblings will be picked up on the playground

Rainy Days: If it is raining very heavily - dismissal will be from the gym at 3:15 for 1-5

Traffic: We would like to suggest a change in traffic flow around the school to improve safety. We request that parents drive North on N. Haven Avenue and drive South on N. Hodge Avenue effectively making them one way streets for arrival and dismissal. Please consider making this change for our pedestrians!