César Chávez PTA

parents, teachers and students together


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

December PTA Meeting Minutes

Called to order 5:43pm

  1. Welcome 5:30 – 5:35
  2. Call to order 5:35 
  3. Reading and approval of minutes 5:35 – 5:40

Approved as read.

  1. President’s Report/New business – Veronica Arenas Marshall 5:40 -6:00
    1. Auction planning – decide how auction funds are spent

Community events and field trips.  Keiona shared information from auction planning and what we should use funding for.  Ms. Munoz suggested two things as well – Outdoor improvements and PlayWorks. Focus on tangible and immediate – so move away from using future auction funds for projects.  PlayWorks engaging kids with outside activities, could be supporting on activities, every other week, or every week / every day.  Train junior coaches.  Funds raised could help make it more frequent. 

Members discussed importance of making sure our money is used to add to what the school is funding and make sure we are able to choose what the money is used for.  

Consider raising fixed amount for field trips and the remainder for PlayWorks – $1,000 or so for grade level in the budget.  School buses are $106.49/hour according to PPS website (Veronica looked up online). During the school year, field trips are tied to curriculum. 

Blake made a motion to use funds raised in the auction with 35% going to the PTA.  Of the remainder, we will first spend the money raised to add one field trip per grade level, and then a second field trip per grade. The remainder used for Chavez community engagement and student enrichment.  The motion was seconded.

The vote was unanimous.

Romla made a motion to establish a committee for 8th grade graduation field trip planning & fundraising.  Keiona joined the committee.  Romla (Romlasjs@gmail.com) also volunteered for the Auction Committee.  

Romla made a motion to add remaining Fred Meyer money received from today until the end of the school year to Class of 2023 8th graders year-end celebration. The motion was seconded.

The vote was unanimous.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Blake Goud 6:00 – 6:10

Budget next year more for support staff, Harvest Festival, toaster for parent coffees.  

Treasurer Report was presented. 

A point of order was raised about whether we had a quorum and it was determined that we did had a quorum.

Blake made a motion to clarify auction motion that the split of funds is made net of all expenses.  The motion was seconded.  The vote in favor was unanimous.

Blake made a motion to allow Literacy funds to be used for gift card incentives for parent volunteers for reading-related programs at the school. The motion was seconded.  The vote in favor was unanimous.

  1. Committee Updates 6:10 – 6:40
  2. Announcements and Adjournment 6:40 – 7:00
    1. Middle School Dance – Thursday December 15, 2022 1:40-3:30
      1. Middle School Dance Wish List: https://mywishlist.online/w/xov5gp/cesar-chavez-middle-school-dance-wishlist
      2. Sign up to help: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0d45aaa629a6fc1-middle
    2. Winter Break: December 19 – January 2, 2023
    3. Next PTA Meeting: February 1, 2023

Adjourned at 7:11pm

Meeting Minutes submitted by Blake Goud, Treasurer.

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©2024 César Chávez PTA