César Chávez PTA

parents, teachers and students together


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

November PTA Meeting Minutes

César Chávez PTA Meeting Minutes 

November 3, 2021 5:30 – 7pm


Chair: Keiona R Connor

Quorum met.

  1. Call to order – Keiona called the meeting to order at 5:35 pm.
  2. Reading and approval of minutes – Meeting minutes approved as corrected – Blake’s last name spelling was corrected in the minutes.
  3. Principal’s Report/Volunteer Update – Mrs. Munoz states there was an update on procedures for volunteers at the district level. At Chavez, as long as folks have done the background checks and been vaccinated against Covid 19, there are now student facing volunteer opportunities available going forward in the second quarter. There will also be a principal’s coffee on Monday at 9:30 am in english and 10:30 am in spanish. If anyone has specific questions you can email them to rmunoz@pps.net or text to 503-310-2670. The link to the coffee will go out tomorrow in the weekly update and it will go out in Remind as well. 
  4. President’s Report – Keiona gave thanks to families for bringing treats and snacks for the teachers and staff today.
  5. New business
    1. Fundraising – Last month we voted on funds from a possible pie fundraiser 80% to teacher grants and 20% to PTA general fund. The board decided not to do the pie fundraiser for several reasons. Our usual fall fundraiser is Run for the Cyclones – but we could not do that this fall due to volunteer restrictions from Covid. We’ve discussed doing a Read-a-thon. The idea was proposed to membership but needing 5 volunteers to help with this fundraiser before deciding what we will do with the funds raised. Discussion held around a read-a-thon. We received enough volunteers for the read-a-thon (Committee volunteers: Sari Canche, Shona Lepis, Tammy Correa, Kara Johnson as teacher liaison, Veronica Arenas Marshall, Destiny McMahon, Leah Hinson, Keiona Connor). If interested in helping with this effort sign up here https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0d45aaa629a6fc1-readathon. Blake Goud made a motion to allocate funds for the read-a-thon with 80% of funds raised for teacher grants and 20% to PTA general fund. Motion seconded by Daniel Ribeiro. Unanimous vote in favor. 
  6. Treasurer’s Report – Blake Goud presented the treasurer’s report.
  7. Committee Updates
    1. Transportation and Safety – 
      1. Portsmouth Neighborhood Association updates: Blake Goud presented on Malarkey roofing. They were fined recently for formaldehyde emissions from 2010-2018, this happened near Kenton neighborhood at Columbia and Chautauqua. November 10th there will be a meeting to discuss this. Reach out to Blake for more information at treasurer@cesarchavezpta.org
      2. Paul Buchanan of the Portsmouth Neighborhood Association gave an update on the traffic situation at the corner of Portsmouth and Willis. PBOT is supposed to move forward with some changes at that intersection, this project was started after a Chavez student was struck by a hit and run driver in that intersection. Paul is asking that they put orange cones out on Houghton because it is a greenway. Our transportation and safety committee is still taking members. Blake, Veronica and Alice are all involved in this committee. Email treasurer@cesarchavezpta.org if you would like to be involved. 
    2. Green team update – Alice has been working with the Eco School Network. They have $2,000 for our outdoor space. The funds can go to more permanent structures in our outdoor space (possibly benches or tables). Alice would like to get together and talk with people about what the funds can be used for. The funds would need to be decided on this month. Email Alice at aliceolivia@gmail.com if you are interested. 
    3. PTA Volunteer opportunities – 
      1. Monthly stock the pantry/treats for teachers the first Wednesday of every month. 
      2. 2-3 volunteers are needed for Portland Backpacks food distribution every Thursday after drop off for an hour or so, sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0d45aaa629a6fc1-volunteer
      3. PTA looking for translators for our meetings, sign up here https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0d45aaa629a6fc1-ptameeting
      4. Soon, the school may also be looking for volunteers to help at recess. 
      5. There is also a need for jackets and cold weather gear for some students. If anyone has time to ask companies in the area for jacket and clothing, rain ponchos and umbrellas for donation or wants to work on this project contact Keiona at keiona@cesarchavezpta.org. Can also reach out to Ms. Johnson at kjohnson1@pps.net. Tricia Hitchcock (tricia.Hitchcock22@gmail.com) is offering to help out at this committee.
    4. Announcements:
      1. Next PTA Meeting: Wednesday, December 1, 2021 5:30 – 7 pm
      2. No school November 5, November 11, 12 and November 22-26
  1. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 7:07 pm. 

Meeting minutes submitted by Leah Hinson, Secretary. 

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