César Chávez PTA

parents, teachers and students together


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

PTA Meeting Minutes 8/23/2017

General PTA Membership Meeting
August 23, 2017 9 am-10:30 am
César Chávez School
Chair: Keiona R Connor

Attendees: Fred Smith, Leah Hinson, Amber Clark, Ordella Reynolds (left the meeting at 10 am), Marlon Broussard, Louisa Kaplan (left at 9:45 after vote on budget, standing rules and minutes), Jedd Schrock, Nicole Dalton

  1. Keiona R Connor welcomed everyone. At 9:15 6 members attending, Keiona chaired the meeting. Quorum not established. Unable to vote on budget and standing rules. By 9:25 am we had 2 new members come into the meeting which established our quorum.  
  2. Amber Clark gave an update on membership. We have 17 members. Amber is going to approach businesses for memberships this year. Goal for the year is 80 members.
  3. Quorum established at 9:25 am. Keiona read the standing rules. Leah Hinson made a motion to change the language under special committees from “The president” to “The co-presidents”, motion seconded. Unanimous vote in favor. Motion from Fred Smith to approve the standing rules, motion seconded. Unanimous vote in favor.
  4. Budget reviewed by Amber Clark. Leah Hinson made a motion to approve the budget, this was seconded. Budget approved unanimously.
  5. Leah Hinson provided copies of the meeting minutes from the meeting in June 2017. Motion from Fred Smith to approve meeting minutes from June 7, 2017, seconded, unanimous vote in favor.
  6. Committee reports
    1. Literacy committee – Amber Clark discussed Oregon Battle of the Books, we are fundraising for the books. Plan is to offer the program grades 3-5 this year. There will be a SUN school class as well. Grant of $300 from Portland Reading Council was received and Mrs. Reynolds worked on that. She suggests we recognize Portland Reading Council in some way. Nicole Dalton offered to help with SUN school OBOB volunteering after school. Marlon Broussard suggested getting people of color – he suggested LeVar Burton come to read to the students. Ms. Reynolds suggests we get authors to come read at the school during black history month.
    2. Colores – Jedd Schrock described what Colores is as a racial equity group. They meet monthly on the second Tuesday of the month. Jedd wants to continue to have meetings and create space, he does not have an agenda for where it will go this year. Leah Hinson discussed the workshop on 9/27 which will be about diversity awareness, and that would be a good opportunity to bring Colores into the PTA conversation. Discussion held around outreach for Colores. Jedd wants to make a book of jokes by Chavez caregivers and students, in order to showcase the Chavez community.
    3. Auction – Marlon Broussard is the auction chair. Discussed this is the first year we are doing all auction. The auction committee will meet for the first time tomorrow.  Saturday April 28 is the date of the auction. The first concern is trying to find a location. Nicole has experienced auctions in the past at a school’s gym that was very successful.
  7. Announcements – Keiona discussed the announcements from the agenda. Jedd suggested a carwash to raise funds for OBOB. We will also have a bake sale mid September for OBOB.
  8. Adjournment – Keiona R Connor adjourned the meeting at 10:35 am.

Minutes submitted by Leah Hinson, secretary.


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