César Chávez PTA

parents, teachers and students together


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

PTA Meeting Minutes, 6/6/2018

César Chávez PTA Meeting Minutes
June 6, 2018 – 8:30 – 9:30 am
César Chávez School Cafeteria
Chair: Fred Smith

  1. Fred Smith called the meeting to order at 8:32 am. Quorum established.
  2. May meeting minutes reviewed by the membership and approved as written.
  3. New business:
    1. Fred Smith – Discussed need for kinder promotion volunteers on Friday at 9:30.
    2. Leah Hinson presented the first annual César Chávez PTA awards to Fred Smith (PTA Superhero), Keiona R Connor (PTA Superhero), Jedd Schrock (Best Website Biography), Carmen Flores (Commitment award), Hilda Hernandez (Lifetime Achievement Award), Marlon Broussard (Taking care of business (TCB award), The Clark Family (Chávez PTA Family award), and Daniel Ribeiro (Attention to Detail award).
  4. President’s Report: Fred Smith thanked volunteers for all of their support to the school this year. Discussed the accomplishments of the PTA this year: Run for the Cyclones, first auction, movie nights, game nights, first STEM night, bake sales, dine out fundraisers, members volunteered at the PTA clothing closet, and the rummage sale which raised about $975 and those funds will go to SUN school.
  5. Principal’s Report: Mr Fuller spoke to how organized and focused the PTA is, and he said parental involvement is a key factor in student success, and he is very proud of this group. He thanked school volunteers.
  6. Treasurer’s Report – Keiona R Connor presented the treasurer’s report. The balance is $47,131.38. Keiona also reminded us, as payment went out to Saturday Academy, we will send 13 children to a 5 weeks STEAM Saturday Academy summer camp this year.
  7. Announcements – Fred discussed the announcements listed on the agenda. He also mentioned that he and Keiona are meeting soon with Mr Fuller to discuss purchasing of computers from funds that were raised during the Run for the Cyclones. Mr Fuller added ESL exit celebration today at 12:30.

Fred Smith adjourned the meeting at 9:09 am.

Minutes submitted by Leah Hinson, Secretary.


Treasurer’s Report | For May – June, 5 2018 – Presented 6/6/2018
Informe del Tesorero |
Current Balance /Saldo actual: $47,131.38

Deposits / Depósitos:

5/1-5/30 Deposit from Square – Auction     $1775.37
5/7/2018 Cash Deposit $125.00
5/17/2018 Cash Deposit – Movie Night $244.60
5/18/2018 Deposit From Square – Movie Night $19.12
              5/21/2018 Deposit From Square – Movie Night $74.86
             5/29/2018 Cash Deposit $212.00

Checks and withdrawals:

5/1/2018 215 Payment to Saturday Academy -$750.00
5/15/2018 218 Noho Hawaiian Cafe – Auction -$2400.00
5/17/2018 Cash Withdrawal – Movie Night -$60.00
5/22/2018 219 Payment- Department of Justice -$50.00
5/23/2018 217 Payment Amy G.- Auction -$279.00
5/23/2018 212 Payment – OMSI -$73.75


Meginn Nordstrom, Treasurer | Tesorera


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