César Chávez PTA

parents, teachers and students together


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

PTA General Meeting minutes 05/05/21

César Chávez PTA General Meeting / reunión general
May 5, 2021 at 5:30pm

  1. Call to order & attendance 5:38pm
    a. 13 quorum reached
  2. Reading & approval of April minutes 5:35 – 5:40pm
    a. All in favor. Motion carries.
  3. New business 5:40 – 6:30pm
    a. Oregon PTA emergency extension of local officer position of one year.
    Keiona Rochelle Connor agreed to extend for one more year.
    b. VOTE – Co-President. Veronica Arenas Marshall elected unanimously. Betsy Bridge made motion to approve the slate of candidates.
    Approved unanimously.
    c. VOTE – Secretary. Leah Hinson elected unanimously.
    d. VOTE – FY2021-2022 Budget
    e. Add Green Team to budget, Daniel had a question about adding Green Team.
    f. Alice White-Cyr Q: What if we have a person come to us with a
    fundraising idea, how do we accommodate that idea & provide
    funds for it? A: bring it membership for a vote, work with grant. Send person to teacher & use teacher grants? Prefer not to
    & redirect to another line item. But its up to the teacher.
    g. Green team – Eco School Network kit from Alice & Felix, funded by
    ESN. Outdoor class tools. Planning for the fall. $300 per kit. Add line
    item to budget & approve.
    h. Super Nature Adventures – Betsy would like to work more with
    i. Betsy made motion to approve the budget as amended, adding
    $300 to Green team. Unanimously approved.
    j. Plug for free national Parks pass for 4th grader+. Good through
    August, one Park in Oregon, more in Washington. See PTA
  4. Committee /group discussion 6:30 – 6:45pm
    a. Treasurer’s report
    b. Blake reported that we will most likely have surplus of $6,000 but
    more likely $10,000
    c. Playground project updates
    d. Betsy working with Sustainability Office: green schools pilot project
    to work on outdoor space. Chavez selected. Solicit feedback from
    community with the idea that late next year, PPS will apply for grant
    from Portland Clean Energy fund to supply projects cutting
    carbon/greening spaces. Sustainability Manager will be at June
    meeting. He already presented to 2 classrooms, and staff.
    e. Bring your enthusiasm! How to reach the entire community? How
    to make a broader connection within our community
    f. Communication piece: Leah suggests working with administration,
    rely on admin for broader communication. Work with Coaches/PE
    to get more ideas for greening the school yard.
    g. Map out the project & include all the portions: depave, greening
    school yards, copy Lents model with small seed funding & get
    higher matches.
    h. Alice talked to Coach Balto, he would definitely come back with
    i. June meeting will be about playground.
    j. Teacher grants update
  5. Announcements/questions
    a. Last PTA meeting of the school year is Weds, June 2 at 5:30 on Zoom
  6. Adjournment 6:48pm
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