César Chávez PTA

parents, teachers and students together


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

PTA General Meeting Minutes 9/1/21


  1. Keiona R Connor called the meeting to order at 5:35 pm 
  2. Reading and approval of June, 2021 minutes – Minutes approved 
  3. New business
    1. Keiona introduced and described what the PTA does. The PTA board members introduced themselves. 
    2. Keiona discussed how to become a member of the Cesar Chavez PTA. Membership is $10. Membership forms are in the manilla folder that will go out the first week of school. People can also become a member at the cesarchavezpta.org website or at the Oregon PTA website. 
  4. Announcements
    1. English language arts teacher Will Reese – a friend donated 600 Nike masks. He is asking for volunteers to cut the ties and then tie them so the kids can wear them. He would give a bundle of masks to the volunteer with instructions to be worked on at home and returned to the school. He is hoping to distribute them at the end of next week. 
    2. Introductions among participants
  5. Keiona adjourned the meeting at 6:55.

Meeting minutes submitted by Leah Hinson, Secretary

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©2024 César Chávez PTA