César Chávez PTA

parents, teachers and students together


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday


School Office Number

(503) 916-5666

César Chávez School

5103 N. Willis Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

8:00am - 2:30 pm

Monday to Friday

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

PTA Meeting Minutes, 5/2/2018

César Chávez PTA Meeting Minutes
May 2, 2018 – 5:30-7pm
César Chávez School Library
Chair: Fred Smith

  1. Fred Smith called the meeting to order at 5:42 pm. Quorum established.
  2. April meeting minutes reviewed by the membership and approved as written.
  3. New business:

a. Fred Smith discussed volunteer needs for STEM night and rummage sale May 18 and 19. On May 18th (immediately after school) the rummage sale will start. Asking for donations for the rummage sale. We will need volunteers to sort items, and work at the rummage sale. Per Mr Fuller, the storage area in the basement is not being used by the food pantry so items can be stored there. The funds raised will go toward the SUN program, funding will be less next year due to loss of a county grant. Field trips need volunteers for 6th graders on May 9th. Ms. McCormack needs 1 adult volunteer for every 5 kids, they will be taking public transportation. The 7/8th grade trip is coming up as well and they need volunteers for jet boat tours on June 5th.

b. Motion to change wording of the Department of Justice articles of incorporation by Daniel Ribeiro, motion seconded. Wording to change as follows:

Amendment to Articles of Incorporation to state: Cesar Chavez PTA is organized exclusively for educational and charitable purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify exempt organizations under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction in the county in which the principal office of the organization is located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

Unanimous vote in favor. 15 yay, 0 nay.

c.  Election for membership chair: Nominee: Tahni Holt and Treasurer: Nicole Dalton. No nominations from the floor. Unanimous voice vote in favor of nominees.

d. Leah Hinson gave an update on the Oregon PTA Convention.

e. Keiona R Connor gave an update around Saturday Academy. Thanks to the generosity of three PTA families, PTA is paying for 13 Chavez kids, 4th through 8th grade, to go to the 5 week summer camp at Saturday Academy at University of Portland.

4. President’s Report – Fred discussed our first auction. Fred stated the auction was a great success. Raised at least $26,000. Starbucks provided 20 volunteers. NoHo’s Hawaiian cafe gave a discount for the food which was very generous. Fred shared this morning at the parent coffee, a part of our community was not present. Fred asked what were the barriers for why some families did not attend. The first barrier was childcare, the other barrier was the price of the auction tickets. The discussion this morning around solutions included: a sliding scale for ticket prices, scholarships for ticket prices, and how to provide childcare. The auction committee will talk about this moving forward to next year. Discussion around thanking sponsors.

5. Treasurer’s Report – Meginn Nordstrom presented the report. The balance in the bank account: $47,595.43.

6. Principal’s report – TJ Fuller said he submitted our PTA as PTA of the year in PPS, Cesar Chavez came in second. Mr. Fuller wanted to make sure we got recognition. He also found out yesterday we received a grant for a Americorps Vista volunteer coordinator for next school year. The volunteer appreciation breakfast will take place next Wednesday, May 9th at 8:30 am. Field day will be June 1st, and Mr Fuller will let us know what he needs for volunteers. Kinder promotion will be on June 8th, the 8th grade promotion will be on June 7th. Mr Fuller is looking to do a talent show, and looking for support. District is moving forward to get the permits approved for the portables. Next year Ms. Lemens room will be used for parent resource room, SUN space, computers for families.

7. Leah Hinson made a motion to remove Meginn Nordstrom as a signer on the Cesar Chavez PTA bank account and add the new treasurer Nicole Dalton as a signer as of July 1, 2018. Motion seconded. Unanimous vote in favor.

8. Committee reports:

a. Auction committee – Marlon stated that there are still a few items that were not bid on, asking to see if there are any people interested in buying the teacher experiences that are available.

b. Communications – Shona said she is looking forward to next year, the committee will need to regroup with Jason Clark leaving. She said she would still like bios for committee members.

c. Literacy Committee – Leah Hinson read an update from Mark Feldman. He is also looking for committee members for next year and would like to brainstorm ideas for how to encourage reading and writing at Chavez. OBOB will return next school year as well.

d. Fundraising – Nicole said the first SCRIP order went in and the cards will be picked up tomorrow.

9. Fred discussed the announcements from the agenda.

10. Continued discussion – Nicole Dalton suggested we start to think about offering scholarships for Chavez students for college.

11. Fred adjourned the meeting at 7:15 pm.

Minutes submitted by Leah Hinson, Secretary.


Treasurer’s Report | For April – May, 2 2018 – Presented 5/2/2018
Informe del Tesorero | Para abril – mayo, 2 2018 – Presentado el 5/2/2018
Current Balance /Saldo actual: $47,595.43

Deposits / Depósitos:

4/3-5/1 Deposits Cash and Square – Auction  $31,824.21
4/10/2018 Deposit From Square- SCRIP $182.00
4/17/2018 Deposit- STEM Grant $800.00
4/19/2018 Deposit From Square -Movie Night $78.00
              4/26/2018 Deposit From Square – Saturday Academy $100.00
             4/26/2018 Deposit From Square – SCRIP $20.00
4/26/2018 Deposit From Square – Movie Night $68.00
4/30/2018 Deposit From Square – Saturday Academy $100.00
4/30/2018 Deposit From Square – Operating Expenses $100.00
5/1/2018 Bank Interest $1.26

Checks and withdrawals:

4/5/2018 Withdrawal Cash Box for Auction -$30.00
4/10/2018 Withdrawal -Teacher Retirement Gift -$20.00
4/10/2018 210 Reimbursement to Leah Hinson- DOJ/postage/meal -$66.54
4/15/2018 Withdrawal Cash Box for Auction -$100.00
4/13/2018 209 Payment for Movie License -$494.00
4/18/2018 211 Payment to Oregon PTA- Membership -$66.50
4/20/2018 212 Payment to Oregon PTA-Conference -$150.00


Meginn Nordstrom, Treasurer | Tesorera


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